Enterococci bacteria are a subgroup of the Gram-positive fecal Streptococci group that include E. faecalis, E. faecium, E. gallinarum and E. avium. These bacteria are naturally occuring in fecal material.
Enterococci found in water are an indication of fecal contamination. Studies of both marine water and fresh water have identified Enterococci as the most effective bacterial indicator for recreational beach waters.
We are a full service microbiology laboratory that provides testing and analysis services to clients throughout the US. We can assist you in the development of your water safety plan or project and analyze samples.
Enterococci testing involves the use of a chromogenic substrate method that is specific to Enterococci and is similar to the substrate method for E. coli detection. Scientific Methods can provide different methods (EPA Method 1600, Enterolert, and qPCR) for detecting Enterococci to best fit your project needs.
The recreational guideline for fresh water is 33 cfu (colony forming units) per 100 ml for the geometric mean of at least 5 samples in a 30 day period. A recreational guideline for marine water is 35 cfu per 100 ml for the geometric mean of at least 5 samples in a 30 day period.
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