Microplastics Testing Services

What is Microplastics?

Microplastics are small plastic particles of less than 5 mm in length that are found throughout the environment (including in water, air, and soil), in food and feed and even within living organisms. They can come from the breakdown of larger plastic items or be intentionally manufactured for use in products like cosmetics and cleaning supplies.

Microplastics in soil a test tube with soil sample - soil contaminated with mineral microplastics

Expedited Microplastic Testing

We are partnered with our parent company IEH to provide expedited testing and comprehensive analysis by LDIR (Laser Direct Infrared) imaging spectroscopy. The LDIR technique offers a fast, accurate, and automated approach to microplastic analysis.

IEH LDIR testing services provide detailed reports on the identification and quantification of microplastics in food, water and environmental samples, helping the food industry to understand and mitigate the impact of microplastics on their products and the environment.

Turnaround time

5 days (water samples)

10 days (food and soil samples)

Let's get in touch

This form is for business-related inquiries only. All other inquiries, including personnel-related requests, please contact Scientific Methods customer service at (574)277-4078. For sample analysis, please complete and send the Test Sample Submission Form to customer.service@scientificmethods.com.  By filling out this information, you are adhering to our privacy policy.

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